
I Recreated Impossible Goals

Where The Ball Lands, You Get!

1 Save = Win $100

Every Messi vs Ronaldo Product!

I Tested 1-Star Football Stadiums

I Tested Banned Football Products

I Used Every World Cup Football (1930 - 2022)

Best Ever Euro Winner's Team!

I Spent 50 Hours with a Football Club

I Got Exclusive EUROs Final Seats

Trading Packs Choose My Team

I Tried FC24 Early

1 Impossible Goal With Every Position

How Many Madrid Fans in Barcelona?

Every Goal I Score = One Upgrade

1 Impossible Goal With Every Icon

Hate Your Card, I Buy It

Best Champions League Winner’s Team!

I Bought a $15,000 Seat to Watch Messi and Mbappe

$1 vs $10,000 World Cup Seats!

Rating Every Footballer Product!

$1 vs $10,000 Champions League Seats!

Football's Most Hated XI

Best Team In FIFA's History