
I was not Camping! #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortnitecamping

How BushCampDad Beat The HARDEST Fortnite Challenge!

My new strategy in ranked!

I ran into another camper doing my strat!

My new landing strat for ranking up in season 3!

BushCampSenior Ahh spot #fortnite #gaming #fortniteclips #fortnitecamping

Bush camp bushranga part 1 #fortnitecamping

Can’t believe how far camping in tournaments has come #fortnite #camping #fortniteclips #shorts #fyp

Best Ranked Hiding spot? #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortniteranked #chapter5season4 #fortnitecamping

They can’t see me!

Insane Fortnite HIDING SPOT to reach UNREAL #fortnite #camping #shorts

The BEST Camping Spot For Chapter 5 Season 2 #viral #fortnite #camping #ranked

Bro got Jump scared #fortnite#fortniteclips #gaming #fortnitecamping

Ratty plays lead to ratty results 🐀 🧀 #fortnite #fortnitetowercamping #fortnitecamping

Bushcampdad w spot @BushCampDad #fortnite #camping #bushcamping #fyp

fortnite camping spot #fortnite

Fortnite Camping the Fall Guys Golden Bean statue #shorts #golden #bean

what is travvy patty doing#shorts#afk#fortnitecamping#fortnite #fyp

new ranked camping spot #fortnite #camping #ranked #strat

I don’t sweat, I observe. #fortnite #fortniteranked #fortnitecamping #fortnitecamper #fortnitesilly

My teammate saved my NPC who was reviving me 😮 #shorts #fortnite #fortnitecommunity

New Fortnite camping update? #fortnite #fortniteshorts #fortnitetent

BushCampDad's Official *NEW* Ranked Reload Strategy

Get better bro #shorts #fortnite #camping