
The key moments when Dr. Anthony Fauci contradicted himself during heated COVID hearing

Dr. Fauci weighs in on Biden's debate performance

Complete heated exchange between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Dr. Anthony Fauci

LIVE: Dr. Fauci testifies on federal response to COVID-19 pandemic | ABC News

'Ideological Bulls--t': Rich McCormick Grills Fauci On Audio Of Him Discussing Vaccine Requirements

Dr. Fauci responds to 'unusual' comments from Marjorie Taylor Greene in Covid hearing

Watch an under-oath Dr. Fauci destroy MAGA Republicans’ Covid lies

Fauci reveals what happened after correcting Trump at 2020 briefing

MTG Goes NUCLEAR on Dr. Fauci as House Hearing Goes OFF THE RAILS

'How Much Have You Earned From Royalties... Since The Pandemic Began?': Malliotakis Grills Dr. Fauci

'We Got Along Well Early On' - Dr. Fauci On His Relationship With President Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci Talks COVID Response Under Former President Trump In New Book 'On Call' | The View

FAUCI | Official Trailer | Disney+

Complete exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci

'Vitriol And Pure Hostility' - Dr. Fauci On The Politicization Of Science

Michael Cloud Asks Fauci Point Blank: Do You Still Believe COVID Restrictions Were 'Justified'?

Maddow: Dr. Fauci exemplifies the Trump Republican war on expertise

'Take A Deep Breath...': Dr. Fauci Grilled By Morgan Griffith Over COVID-19 Origins

FAUCI - Bande-annonce (VOST) | Disney+

Rand Paul Catches Fauci in a Lie, Leaves Him Stuttering

BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul Reads Out Secret Communications Of Fauci's Team About COVID-19's Origins

BREAKING: Chaos Erupts As Marjorie Taylor Greene Lobs 'Personal Attack' At Fauci, Dems Stop Hearing

Dr. Anthony Fauci Cold Open - SNL

LIVE: Dr. Fauci testifies on COVID-19 pandemic before House subcommittee