
Euronews Witness Poland Belarus_45sec_13.12.2021_1-1 (1).mp4_copy

Demographic decline: Greece faces alarming population collapse

Can Cyprus cope with the current flow of asylum seekers? | euronews 🇬🇧

Euronews Witness : la résilience des Ukrainiens, après un an de guerre

Why are plans to build more wind farms in Greece so controversial?

Euronews Witness: les effondrements de terrain menacent l'île italienne d'Ischia

Witness: Albánia egy demográfiai időzített bomba

Греции грозит демографический коллапс

¿Puede Chipre hacer frente a la llegada ininterrumpida de solicitantes de asilo?

Euronews Witness: Az erdőtüzek nyomában

O desafio da energia eólica na Grécia

Onboard a rescue ship on the deadliest migration route to Europe

Is emigration bleeding the economic life out of Albania?

La Grèce en proie à un déclin démographique majeur

Massiver Zustrom von Asylsuchenden: Zypern am Scheideweg

Euronews Witness: Haldokló erdők Európában

Wird Griechenland dank Windenergie zur 'grünen Steckdose' Europas?

Onboard a rescue ship on the deadliest migration route to Europe

La diaspora albanese non si ferma: perché sempre più giovani lasciano il Paese?

Grecia se enfrenta a un alarmante colapso demográfico

Μπορεί η Κύπρος να σταματήσει τις μεταναστευτικές ροές;…

Climate crisis: how beetles and fire are devouring European forests

This lignite mine is razing villages in Germany | Euronews Witness

Resgate de migrantes no Mediterrâneo na primeira pessoa