
How the Court protects citizens' rights – Bringing a case to the ECJ

ECJ to deliver opinion in refugee quota case

ECJ rules in favour of making EU cash handouts conditional on a country's respect for rule of law

The Brief: ECJ rules Polish reform is against EU law

ECJ rules UK can unilaterally end Brexit

Italian beach space must be open to competition - ECJ ruling

Employers can ban workers from wearing headscarves or religious symbols, ECJ rules

ECJ rules in favour of making EU cash handouts conditional on a country's respect for rule of law

UK softens Brexit stance on ECJ | World

Impact of the ECJ’s Jurisprudence in Practice — Selected Topics

FIFA To Review Some Aspects Of Transfer Rules After ECJ Verdict | World News | WION Pulse

Brexit: ECJ to rule on UK's right to backtrack | #GME

The EU Energy Sector An Update on ECJ Case Law

Article 50 in ECJ, Selmayrgate, and Gilets Jaunes protests (Tweets of the Week, S2 E13)

The ECJ Privacy Ruling Explained by Max Schrems and 3 Top EU & US Privacy Experts

Brexit opponents welcome ECJ ruling

What are the implications of withdrawing from the ECJ? | UK After Brexit Event | CAGE Warwick

VIII. European Tax law and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law - 03/04/2020

UK could still call off Brexit unilaterally, says ECJ Advocate General 04.12.18

ECJ rules against Polish workplace LGBTQ discrimination

IX. European Tax law and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law - 03/04/2020

Addressing Linguistic Transparency in the ECJ: The 2009 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture

Preliminary Rulings to the ECJ 2nd ed long review

ECJ Rules FIFA's Transfer Regulations Breach EU Laws: Big Changes Ahead for Football Transfers?