
EAGE E-lecture: New methods for multi-modal data analysis, by Paolo Dell' Aversana

EAGE E-Lecture: Using Digital Music Technology for Geophysical Data by Paolo Dell’Aversana

EAGE E-Lecture: Volume Based Modeling by Laurent Souche

EAGE E-Lecture: An iterative workflow for facies modeling on the Alvheim Field... by Andor Hjellbakk

EAGE E-Lecture: Q-Compensation Through Depth Domain Inversion by Maud Cavalca

EAGE Student E-Lecture: Cracking Open the Black Box by Jesper Sören Dramsch

EAGE E-Lecture: Shooting over the Spread by Vetle Vinje


EAGE E-Lecture: Seismic Geomechanics by Jörg Herwanger

EAGE E-Lecture: Virtual Seismology: monitoring the subsurface with... by Kees Wapenaar

EAGE E-Lecture: An Introduction to Migration without a Single Equation by Claudio Strobbia

EAGE E-Lecture: Data-Driven Green's Function Retrieval From Reflection Data by Kees Wapenaar

EAGE E-lecture: Viscoelastic Full Waveform Inversion, by Gabriel Fabien-Ouellet

EAGE E-Lecture: Well Tie: Principles & New Advancements for Broadband Seismic Data, by Ehsan Naeini

EAGE E-Lecture: The Art of Science by Roel Snieder

EAGE E-Lecture: Paleogeography & Stratigraphy by Juan Tavella

EAGE E-Lecture: Geological Well Testing in Fractured Reservoirs by Patrick Corbett

EAGE Student E-Lecture: An Analytical Approach to Hydraulic Fracturing.., by John L.J. Duhault

EAGE E-Lecture: Sub-Salt Modelling in 3D by Antony Price

EAGE E-Lecture: Reducing project turnaround by optimizing... by Shruti Gupta

EAGE Student E-Lecture: Sedimentology and Reservoir Properties of Chalk by Dr. John D. Humphrey

MU e-Lecture by Mahidol University Library and Knowledge Center

EAGE E-Lecture: Accurate Modelling and Inversion by James Hobro