
TickleFLEX – The Edge, DPC2017

DPC2017: Functional Programming for Dummies* - Scato Eggen

DPC2017: Climbing the Abstract Syntax Tree - James Titcumb

DPC2017: Introduction to the Semantic Web - Arnout Boks

DPC2017: Practical privacy - GDPR explained

DPC2017: Creating a realtime dashboard with PHP and websockets (Freek van der Herten)

DPC2017: Golang for PHP developers: A practical introduction - Richard Tuin

DPC2017: Pushing the limits of PHP with React PHP - Christian Lück

DPC Foot and Wound Clinic, DPC2017

DPC 2017 Trailer

DPC2017: Paradoxes and theorems every developer should know (Joshua Thijssen)

DPC2017: Effective Browser JavaScript Debugging - Vance Lucas

DPC2017: Caching with PSRs - Hannes van de Vreken

DPC2017: Bruce Lee Driven Development - Jeroen v.d. Gulik

DPC2017: Time Series with Apache Cassandra: the basics - Michiel Sypkens Smit

DPC2017: Ethical Engineering - Christopher Hoult

DPC2017: Locate all the things - Derick Rethans

DPC2017: The (Awesome) Future of Web Apps - Jad Joubran

DPC2017: Beating the pentester - Boy Baukema

DPC2017: CouchDB, PouchDB and Offline-Tolerant Apps (Lorna Mitchell)

DPC2017: Database migrations without downtime - Michiel Rook

DPC2017: Nuclear powered software security - Chris Riley

DPC2017: Empathy As A Service: Supporting Mental Health in the Tech Workplace (Nara Kasbergen)

DPC2017: GraphQL is right in front of us, let's do it, with Symfony - Renato Mendes Figueirdo