
2025 Forecast: AI and Digital Developments

IGF 2024 DAILY#3

AI shorts #8 Spot our AI avatar!

Review: Tech Diplomacy online course (Larisa K. Schelkin) [Diplo Alumni]

Discover our new Tech Diplomacy Course!

Summit in a minute: Benedikt Wechsler

AI shorts #11 AI's hidden power: How much energy does it use?

Summit in a minute: Ayisha Piotti

2023 Diplo Days in Geneva

DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform at the vIGF 2020 (promo)

Geneva Digital Atlas 2023

Summit in a minute: Mwende Njiraini - Watch the rest on our channel! #digitaldiplomacy

2018 DiploFoundation courses

AfP Peace Tech Marketplace DiploFoundation

20th Diploversary Stories: Milan Jazbec

Postgraduate ceremonies DiploFoundation (2019) [Diplo Alumni]

Summit in a minute: Benedikt Wechsler #DigitalDiplomacy

2019 IFDT: Jovan Kurbalija (Executive Director, DiploFoundation)

20 years of Diplo courses! Dedicated Inspired Participants Learning Online #DiploEd

Learn with Diplo!

20th Diploversary Stories: Judith Okite

Geneva Digital Atlas Tours: Jagan Chapagain - IFRC / Watch the rest on our channel! 👀▶️ #ifrc

A year in history 2002

20th Diploversary Stories: Stefano Baldi