Projetos buildr - Captura de leads

Projetos buildr - Ação promocional

Projetos buildr - Newsletter

Using the Get Schedule endpoint with Tableau's REST API and tableau-api-lib

Querying Tableau views with filters and parameters using the REST API

Learning SQL by analyzing customer churn: Part 1

Query and download your Tableau dashboard data like a boss

Publishing Tableau workbooks with hidden sheets/views using the REST API

Publish Tableau workbooks connecting to published datasources using Python and the REST API

Buildr - Como funciona

Revoke all personal access tokens on Tableau Server using the REST API and Python

Congratulations, you played yourself - Elden Ring invasion PVP | devyx on #Twitch

Designing a data pipeline for a crypto trading system (bot) using Python and Google Cloud

Triggering Tableau extract refreshes using the REST API

Automated trading system: using Tableau to keep track of trade decisions

If you fail at first, try again - Elden Ring invasion | devyx on #Twitch

Publish Tableau workbooks using the REST API and tableau-api-lib

Automated trading: getting price data and transforming it into a useful datasource

Yeah that seems reasonable - Elden Ring invasion | devyx on #Twitch

Someone at the road? - Kingdom Come | devyx on #Twitch

When you forget the toilet paper - Elden Ring | devyx on #Twitch

Meanest of the beans - Elden Ring invasion | devyx on #Twitch

Download a Tableau workbook as a PowerPoint file with Python and the REST API

Setting an evil trap - Elden Ring invasion pvp | devyx on #Twitch