
For my needlephobic friends: vibration helps to decrease sensation of pain #dermbypark

3 Things to stop doing right now #dermbypark

In case everyone was wondering…his name was not even Mike. #dermbypark #skincare

Please don’t over exfoliate your skin! I have been there! #dermbypark #shorts

Hair splinters are real things and can get infected #dermbypark #shorts #splinter

the DIY #dermatology never ends but it should #dermbypark

Reply to getting back to the very basics! #skincare #dermbypark #skincareingredients #skincareprodu

Honestly what did I do to deserve this man #dermbypark #skincare

Should you WAIT in between skincare product application? #dermbypark

True story. #greysanatomy or no? #dermbypark #meetcute #skincare

#vitiligo is an #autoimmunedisease that attacks pigment in your #skin #dermbypark

How to shock a #dermatologist #dermbypark

Let’s talk about #hairloss hacks: Tretinoin + rogaine helps non responders! #dermbypark

last part! Reacting to #derm #skincaretips this creator has been told #dermbypark check out part 2

comment to stay on I refuse to age shorts #skincare #spfallday #dermbypark

We did both go to for medical school after all. #shorts #dermbypark

Reply to @bbborie should I do a part 3? #dermbypark #skincaremyths #BigComfy | #shorts #dermatology

let’s keep the 🐄 fat in the kitchen! #shorts #dermbypark

Best #antiaging tip from a #dermatologist ! #dermbypark

I object! #redflags #skincare #dermbypark | #Dermatologist #Shorts

Please stop all of these things right now! #dermbypark #skincaretips

Let me clear up some confusion #dermbypark | #shorts #dermatology

Anyone else feel this way 😂 #dermbypark #skincare | #shorts #dermatology

the deal with petrolatum: GOAT #dermbypark #skincare