
I think it’s pretty obvious who did it best 😂🫠

Doing Deja’s hair. 2 plaits connected into one. #hairstyle

Doing Déjà’s hair. 2 Pocahontas braids. #hairstyle

Curly girl hair problems #curlyhair

Doing Deja’s hair. 6 cornrows. #hairstyle

Doing 2 braids in Deja’s hair #hairstyle

Broken arm #happygas

Doing Deja’s hair for her 13th Birthday Party #hairstyle

Lo Que Sucede Cuando Dejas de VIVIR Para Otros - Carl Jung

O Me Quieres O Me Dejas (Devaneos) (Love Me Or Leave Me)

I swear if someone says deja CLARK 😭 #tiktok #relatablei #musicapp

sporta dejas

DEEP CLEAN my room!

Come y me dejas #humor

rusowsky - no t dejas ver

Nico Hernández l Y Si Me Dejas (Video Oficial)

MĪLESTĪBA DEJAS RITMĀ / High Strung Free Dance - trailer (Latvian subtitles)

Let’s straighten Deja’s hair #curlytostraighthair

Doing Dejas hair. 4 braids #hairstyles #kidshairstyles

Cooking with Déjà. How to cook the best spaghetti 🍝 #cooking #mumanddaughter

Si Tu Lo Dejas

Let’s see if this is actually good #hwachae

Deja bērniem. Ķermeņa daļas.

Porque Tu No Lo Dejas