
Coots has a special announcement

Pokimane finds out where the name Coots comes from...

Coots is the perfect kitten for stream

Ludwig takes Coots away from QTCinderella...

Things you need to know about COOTS!

Coots attacks

Ludwig fights Coots (not clickbait)

Coots started listening to Ludwig

A coot -close up

FIGHT! Coot vs Swan

Coots 🥰🐱 @QTCinderella #shorts #wineaboutit #cat #podcast #maya #mayahiga #christmas

Coots fighting over territory and mates

Coots and Ders fight it out

Coots tries her best to help...

QTCinderella brings baby Coots home

We need to save Coots

QTCinderella tries playing with Coots and Ders

Ludwig takes Coots outside

Nick and Malena meet Coots for the first time

Coots causes trouble...

Coots breaks QTCinderella stream set up

Coots tries to be sneaky...

The valuable advice of 'Old Coots'

Coots attacks Maya