
Why I Left YouTube for 15 Months

Predictably Irrational

Can you guess the pattern?

Things I Should Have Learned In School #3

trying to roll 17 but getting 0

What Are The Odds?

this is not an elephant

when the spiders are afraid of you

Understanding Base Number Systems

How Many Words Is This Video?

Into the Breach Tactic: Guaranteed Grid Resist!

The Story of Scott Fried

Can You Escape?? | An Exercise in Creativity

Additional Tips for Exploiting the '24 Game'

finding a shiny pokemon by accident

Aim for the Middle!

How Media Manipulate Statistics

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy...

Did Men Start High Heels? | A History of the Heel


US Copyright! (NOVW Performance Video—Conjecture)

Is Money the Best Motivator? (w/ JackSci!)

Things I Should Have Learned In School

Why do we hold the door?