
Como a Inteligência Artificial eleva vendas e a experiência do cliente | Comsysto Reply

CONNECT && GROW Coffee Talks #4 Meine ersten Jahre als Partner mit Benjamin Steinert

Luan Arakaki, AWS Sales Executive | Comsysto Reply

Web3 - Die Plattform der Zukunft? Teil 2: Der Web3 Tech Stack | Lab Coffee #3 | Comsysto Reply

CONNECT && GROW Coffee Talks #3 Scaling Flat Hierarchies with Katie Clark

Comsysto Reply | Webinar | Resolução para os seus problemas na Black Friday

CONNECT && GROW Coffee Talks #5 Empowered Product Teams bei edding mit Klaus Breyer

Data visualization with R

Transforme dados em insights com a Comsysto Reply #shorts

Digital Dashboard with remote control - Proof of concept - showcase video

CONNECT && GROW Coffee Talks #6 E-world 2025

Customizing Amazon Elastic MapReduce

CONNECT && GROW Coffee Talks #1 E-World 2024 mit Stefan Pernpaintner

CONNECT && GROW Coffee Talks #2 Collaborative Modeling with Sven Tessmann

CassandraForSQLDevelopers Part1

Big Data Applications with Spring XD - Teil 1

How to Identify the Next-Best-Use-Case of Predictive Analytics for Industry 4.0

Management 3.0 Stammtisch in München mit Jeff Sutherland

Soluções customizadas para o seu negócio | Comsysto Reply #shorts

Comsysto Reply | Webinar | Mitigue os riscos do seu negócio Black Friday #shorts

Automated Headless End2End Testing Part 1_2

User Story Mapping with Jeff Patton

Lars Haferkamp talks about using the GPU via R

'Scrum@Scale and Leadership Development' with Jeff Sutherland