
Debugging Diversity Campaign

CODR.TV Introduction

CODR.TV - What is it?

Debugging Diversity Teaser #1

Why is Debugging Diversity needed?

Debugging Diversity Trailer

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Coders

Debugging Diversity Indiegogo Campaign

Its Not Just About The Code

3 Mistakes Coders Make In Interviews

One-on-One: David Bolton Part 1

Recruiting Coders: An Interview with Ted Tencza Part 1

Will Siri ever love you?

Why a 100% Tech Focus Will Fail! - Featuring Mark Cohen

Codr.TV News, 7 June 2014

Our UV live streaming studio - howto!

News June 14: Not Building or Scaling? What's your excuse?

Pair Programming: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Coders

Order Revealing Encryption Jan 2020

Adam Ullman discusses a web-based Skype Killerusing Tokbox

Elle Meredith: Why aren't there more women who code?

Is Inclusion Enough? Panel Discussion