
A real estate web app #hackathon #CodeWithUnclebigbay

Hackerthon Competition @unclebigbay #codewithunclebigbay #hackerthon

knacktechservicesltd product showcase [Thanks to #BuildforBusinessHackathon #CodeWithUnclebigbay]

Celebrating my 2 years at Hashnode as a Software Developer! #workanniversary #coding #webdesign

CSS Media Queries for Beginners (Mobile First)

CSS Media Queries for Beginners (Desktop First)

Setup Your Web Development Toolkit for 2024

Hosting Your First Website with Vercel || Beginner's Guide to Hosting with Vercel

Comprehensive Introduction to Git and GitHub for Beginners

A Demo of Priscy's Kitchen New Website.

Tour of the Jubilee Water Website: Modern Design and Features | @unclebigbay @Shamzbridge

Git & GitHub for Beginners - Push your first website to GitHub (Barbershop Landing Page)

Style a Barbershop Landing Page with CSS (Mobile design)

DriveEasy website demo

Colley Cleaning Services landing page for Build for Business Hackathon

Goodness Mbakara meets Excel Imagery

Style a Barbershop Landing Page with CSS (Desktop design)

HTML Basics for Absolute Beginners | Building a Barbershop Landing Page

Luscious Chow Demo

Dradiantbags - My first-ever hackathon attempt

excel imagery

4-STEP-TPS Landing Page | #BuildforBusinessHackathon

Baruch landing page

Changing the Game with SAVERR