
clojureD 2020: Conference Opening

clojureD 2019: Conference Opening

clojureD 2020: 'Shell Scripting Made Simple with Clojure' by Jakub Dundalek

clojureD 2019: 'Rapid Prototyping with Coast on Clojure' by Ferruccio Balestreri

clojureD 2018: 'GraphQL: Making JavaScript Simpler Than ClojureScript' by Dom Kiva-Meyer

clojureD 2019: 'Tricking Sand into Thinking: Deep Learning in Clojure' by Dave Liepmann

clojureD 2019: 'Polylith – A software architecture based on LEGO®-like blocks' by Joakim Tengstrand

clojureD 2020: 'Malli: Inside Data-driven Schemas' by Tommi Reiman

clojureD 2020: 'Life in parens: simulating an ecosystem with Clojure' by Davide Taviani

clojureD 2020: 'From Lazy Lisper to Confident Clojurist' by Alexander Oloo

clojureD 2020: 'Bob: A composable and inclusive platform making CI/CD Simple' by Rahul Dé

clojureD 2020: 'Self-hosted ClojureScript: How to bootstrap a compiler?' by Maria Geller

clojureD 2021: 'Immutable Data Structures for Fun and Profit' by Paula Gearon

clojureD 2015: 'Boot – Build Tooling For Clojure' by Martin Klepsch

clojureD 2016: 'Is Clojure an acceptable Lisp?' by Hans Hübner

clojureD 2019: 'How to Graph Your Data' by Paula Gearon

clojureD 2019: 'Workflow engines with Clojure – It's a match!' by Tim Zöller

clojureD 2016: 'Build Pipelines as Code: Build your own build server w/ Clojure' by Florian Sellmayr

clojureD 2018: 'A Dynamic, Statically Typed Contradiction' by Andrew Mcveigh

clojureD 2017: 'Writing Clojure at Runtime with Nightlight' by Zach Oakes

clojureD 2020: 'Angels Singing: Writing for Programmers' by Paulus Esterhazy

clojureD 2016: 'Dependency Management in Clojure' by Holger Schauer

clojureD 2018: 'Implementing Clojure on a new VM - A Walkthrough' by Juan Facorro

clojureD 2020: 'Writing maintainable Clojure' by Erik Assum