cj satish vit

Extended Euclidean Algorithm - Cryptography - Cyber Security - CSE4003

React Tutorial for Beginners - Session 1 - Installation of React on Windows - Demo

Vigenere Cipher - Explained with an Example - Cryptography - Cyber Security - CSE4003

Fermat's Theorem - Cryptography - Cyber Security - CSE4003

AJAX - Introduction and Demo

Double DES and Triple DES - Meet in the Middle Attack - Cyber Security - CSE4003

Node.js Introduction and Installation

Generics in Java - Generic Methods & Classes

How React Works ? - Actual Dom Vs Virtual Dom - Diffing Algorithm - State- useState Hook

AES III - Advanced Encryption Standard - Introduction , Key Expansion in AES Cyber Security CSE4003

Software Testing - Integration Testing - Demo with an Application - White Box Testing #27

Bitwise Operators - Java

ReactJs Hooks - useState Hook Explained

Pl/SQL Session 1 - Introduction , Anonymous block, Procedures, Conditional and Case Statements

JavaScript Destructuring

JavaScript - Introduction to Functions

Database Management Systems #30 Demo on 2 Phase Locking Protocol (Strict 2 Phase Locking)

querySelector and querySelectorAll Methods in JavaScript

How to print Hello World using Coding c | 💯 working| #c language #c programming #c tutorial

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Demo using MySQL Phpmyadmin - Basic SQL and Opening DB Connection

Introduction to JavaScript - I (variables, if else , switch , loops - for, while, do while - arrays)

JavaScript ES6 Modules - import and export - Named Export and Default Export - Demo

Java - Exception Handling - try,catch,throw,throws,finally - User Defined Exceptions, Nested try

Sathisha Bhatt - Chikni Chameli | Blind Auditions | The Voice Sri Lanka