bruce jancin

Hypertension in Young Adults Underdiagnosed in Primary Care

Bariatric Surgery Bests Medication in Obese Diabetics

Ultrafiltration Flops For Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome

Clopidogrel Genomic Analysis: Clinical Implications

Antiphospholipid antibodies are surprisingly common in first-MI patients

Novel Agent Lowered LDL Up to 72%

Don’t miss reservoirs when treating recurrent onychomycosis

Spironolactone holds its own for treating women’s acne

Staged PCI of Calcified Multiple Lesions of Mid and Distal LAD - February 17, 2015 Webcast

Interchangeability of biosimilars and parent compounds raise potential efficacy issues

Dr. Raj Makkar discusses TAVR in bicuspid disease

Experts offer patch testing tips for AD patients


Oxymetazoline approval expands options for rosacea

Plasmapheresis in COVID-19

Patient survey data yield useful information on acne and different contraceptives

Hemangiomas in children: an expert update

Consider PPIs as a cause of cutaneous reactions

Blood pressure and LDL lowering in elderly do not slow cognitive decline

Dr. Robert Bonow discusses TAVR vs SAVR in low risk patients

Prasugrel Bests Double-Dose Clopidogrel in Nonresponders

New microscopy tools improve melanoma detection

Brisk walking may decrease total knee replacement risk in osteoarthritis

Dibujando a Black Goku / Dibujo de Dragon Ball Super