
Hypergamy Is A Brutal Truth

This Only Works If You Are A CHAD

We tried not to wake anyone up

Bro was just trying to make chocolate milk

Daryl McCormack knows his roasts #EEBAFTAs

Can You define Misogyny?

Everyone got that one friend

He wants to blame him so bad but no evidence 😭😭😭

RESPECT IS IMPORTANT AS A MAN #tribeofmen #borefec

I paid extra for the egg

Picture perfect

Had me in the first half ngl

I wonder who they’re looking for

we have all been there

50% Of The Women Will Be Without A Man | Bo Refec #shorts #insipirationalquotes #borefec

Leftover Women HATE Passport Bros

Such a copy cat

Can you put my milk in the bag please

bon appetit

Living on the edge

Unfair Advantage #tribeofmen #borefec

What the dog doing?

I farted during her job interview

A Successful Family Is Harder To Get Than Anything Else Today