
Rocket League Flick

Plague inc. Ultimate Board Games Nightmare 7 Bilions sales!

Watch till the end, anything surprise you? #languagelearning #multicultural #polyglot

I hate when babies do this. #baby #crime #funny #skit #family #viral

Charity Event ! 24 h Krampfgarten, SeeNo und BoarsGaming

In Case You're Stranded In An Unknown Desert #language #water #hope #polyglot #learning #educational

Only the French will understand. #polyglot #languagelearning #multicultural

In Case He's in another country. #language #languagelearning #multicultural #english #chinese #usa

Its nice being a kid.

Reality is tough sometimes #beachfail #realitycheck #beach

I almost in dee hospital by this cactus #nature #cactus #desert #trivia

Best Argentine food in North America. #argentina #food #foodie #tasty #rockypoint #puertopeñasco

what are other ways to say Good Night in other languages?

Das 24h Spenden Event

What are other ways to say yes in your language? #languagelearning #multicultural #polyglot

I think he liked it. #parentingtips #chimichurri #argentine #rockypoint

Pentago #настольныеигры #challenge #boardgames #funny #uzbekistan #tashkent #games #playingcouple

Emergency 5 Folge 1

Torneo BANG! Agendalo! 24/08 en Punto de Partida. Anotate! #juegosdemesa #juegos #boarsgames #cafe

Double kill in one of the funnest multiplayer games. Spiders with guns and light sabers.

Counting in 6 languages.

He thought it was funny 😁 #parentingtips #parentingfail #chimichurri #argentina #food

Rimworld Staffel 1 Folge 1- Der schwere Start

Do you like arachnids with Light Sabers? #gaming #lightsabers