ben sessions

What’s on the horizon in 2020 for Georgia DUI defense?

Don't play games with the DUI ALS process

Clienting #40: Ben Sessions Is A Lawyer Who Knows Technical SEO

Don't fall for the bait and switch of injury attorneys

Are insurers really looking to deny your claim?

Is it unusual for a prosecutor to wait until the last minute to make an offer on a criminal case?

The importance of disclosing all of your prior injuries

Macon Personal Injury Lawyer Discussing Your Injuries

What you should focus on after you have been hurt in an accident

Roswell DUI Lawyer

Ben Sessions Performs 2nd Shostakovich Concerto | Celebration of the Arts 2023

Should you engage in proactice measures of treatment after a criminal arrest?

Were you involved in an accident in a construction zone in the Macon area?

Attorneys: Stop giving up on motions you believe in.

Bench or Jury Trial in a Georgia DUI Case

Crime or not? What do you think? #law #crime #truecrime

Macon Personal Injury Lawyer

Learning to challenge search warrants in Georgia DUI cases

Arrested at the Cobb County Braves Stadium?

Misinformation Regarding the Implied Consent in Georgia DUI Cases

Defending a DUI Blood Test Case in the Administrative License Suspension (ALS) Process

Is your DUI lawyer making a huge mistake?

Importance of Understanding Attorney's Fees in DUI & Criminal Cases

Atlanta Municipal Court - DUI Process