bad discord server

This Discord Server is Disgusting

The Down Bad Side of Discord

Beluga's Discord Server is a Toxic Mess!

going undercover in terrible discord servers

Discord, this is Awful

The Worst Discord Mods...

Try Leaving this Glitched Discord Server!

discord has a CP problem

Using Bad Items To WIN Hive Bedwars

I FULLY Renovated a Bad Discord Server — Server Overhaul: Episode 1

His Discord nitro ran out...

What your discord status says about you!


Reading YOUR Ban Appeals for Discord! (REALLY BAD)

Nuking a 12 YEAR OLDS Furry Discord Server

Kakarot the Discord messages Leaked...

I COMPLETELY Overhauled a Bad Discord Server

Meanwhile in a discord group call

When a Noob Joins Your Discord Server

So I trolled 300,000+ people in a Discord server... (Almost crashed)

Discord Raids Be Like...

The Ultimate Discord Soundboard #Shorts

pretending I SUCK at drawing, then drawing them

Rating My (+ People's) Discord Servers!