
Promotional video for ASEM13 Phnom Penh Cambodia

ASEM Cultural Festival at ASEM13 - Teaser video

13th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM13) Summit Day 1 11/25/2021

13th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM13) Summit Day 2 11/26/2021

GLOBALink | ASEM13 vitalizes multilateralism: expert

Cambodia Successfully Hosts ASEM13 with Leaders Commit to Stronger Relation

ASEM13 to Show Cambodia's Potential to the World

ASEM13 PP 2020 V2 last edited

13th Asia-EU Meeting (ASEM13) - Strengthening Multilateralism For Shared Growth

Leaders Thank Cambodia as the Chair for the Successful Outcome of ASEM13

PM Highlights Three Priorities for the ASEM13

ASEFYLS4 in Action: Cambodia's Welcome Video as Host of ASEM13

PRRD’s Intervention in the Retreat Session of the ASEM13 Summit 11/26/2021

Cambodia is honored to hold the chairmanship of ASEM13

Women's Role in ASEM13

PRRD’s Intervention in the Second Plenary Session of ASEM13 Summit 11/26/2021

Under Cambodia’s Chairmanship #ASEM13

Presentation by the AEPF to the Asia and Europe Heads of State and Government – the ASEM13

Women's Role in ASEM13

ASEM13 Concludes with Praise

ASEM Cultural Festival 2021 - Teaser Video

L'ASEM13 conclut avec des éloges