adi da cult

Adi Da Samraj: The Appearance of the Divine Avatar

Adi Da Samraj: 'This Must Be Realized'

Growing Up as a Devotee of Adi Da: Megan Anderson, Managing Editor of Adi Da's Word

Avatar Adi Da's Legacy

Adi Da Samraj: 'The Divine-Self Condition, is without difference, without place, without other.'

Conscious Light: A Documentary Film on the Life & Work of Adi Da Samraj

Adi Da Samraj: The Relationship With Spiritual Master Makes Surrender Possible

Adi Da Samraj: There is no ego or separate self

Adi Da Samraj: Live In The Fire and Be Purified

Adi Da Samraj Sacred Sighting of Avatar Adi Da from His last visit to California

Adi Da Samraj: Adidam Is Not 'Religious'

Adi Da Samraj: You Become What You Meditate On ( excerpt from the film Conscious Light: )

An Introduction to Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Sacred Sighting of Adi Da Samraj

Adi Da Samraj: The Guru is the Constant Stability Admist the Highs & Lows of Life

Adi Da Samraj: The Pattern Becomes Obsolete

Franklin Albert Jones (Adi Da) : 1973 sojourn through India

Sacred Sighting of Adi Da Samraj August 14th , 2004, Fiji

Adi Da Samraj: The Way of Adidam Is Not About Beliefs

Adi Da Samraj: Testimonies from His Devotees - 'I Will Never Withdraw From You'

Living with the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, with Julie Anderson

Adi Da Samraj: Have You Learned To Feel Perfectly?

Adi Da Samraj: Growing Up in Adidam