a current affair scam

The number one scam in Australia | A Current Affair

Couple's battle with bank over $249,000 scam | A Current Affair

Retiree loses life savings to deep-fake Facebook scam | A Current Affair

Serial Scammers Busted! | A Current Affair

Sydney woman loses life savings to text scam | A Current Affair

Pensioner loses life savings in cruel scam | A Current Affair

Sophisticated scam empties business owner's bank accounts | A Current Affair

Shockingly simple set-up discovered after alleged scammer arrest | A Current Affair

Tools salesman turns the table on scammers in amateur sting operation | A Current Affair

Couple loses life savings in bank scam that even tricked bank tellers | A Current Affair

Grandma who faked blindness in Centrelink scam | A Current Affair

Widow loses $760,000 after scammer impersonates bank staff | A Current Affair

Scam victim issues warning after losing $750,000 of life savings | A Current Affair

New method scammers are using to take your cash | A Current Affair

Business owner turns tables on alleged bitumen scammer | A Current Affair

Dawn raid uncovers alleged sophisticated scamming operation in Sydney apartments | A Current Affair

This scam is catching loads of Aussie drivers off guard | A Current Affair

Hard working mum slams bank after she lost $42k to scammers | A Current Affair

Identity thieves steal woman's savings in used car scam | A Current Affair

Great-grandmother loses almost $500k to false AFP scam | A Current Affair

High-flying property investor escapes jail time over fraud charge | A Current Affair

Woman accused of faking terminal cancer and cashing in | A Current Affair

Scammers impersonate real businesses to steal from customers | A Current Affair

Bankrupt bodybuilder allegedly fleecing thousands | A Current Affair