
Leg Grab Ten Finger Guillotine - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Dead Man Drag - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

411 To 411 Heelhook Drill - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

DLR/Hip Guard Back Take - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

Tripod Sweep To Berimbolo Off Guard Pull - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

Horrible Ankle Lock Trick vs- ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Baseball Bat Grip Arm Drag - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Improve Your Armbar Now - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

The Dog Sh*t Triangle - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

HalfGuard Chin Pick Passing “10 Finger Guillotine” - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

LegLock Defence vs Butterfly Saddle Entry - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Backstep Heelhook - ZombieProofBJJ #shorts

Flying Scissor Heel Hook Setup Off High C - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Passing Closed Guard (Paulson Pull) - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

Gordon Ryan’s WNO Inversion Heelhook - ZombieProofBJJ (BreakDown)

“The Nicky Ryan - Hayden Hook” Finishing Details - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Topside Ashi Option vs Hidden Heel Defence - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Sneaky Loop Choke Off Fake Scissor Sweep - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

Nicky Rodriguez Kasai Pro Half Guard HeelHook - ZombieProofBJJ (BreakDown)

Attack Options Off Failed Leg Attack - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Ankle Breaker vs Running Man Heelhook Escape - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)

Kimura Reversal BackTake - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

Basic Triangle Choke Concepts (Set-Up & Finish Details) - ZombieProofBJJ (Gi)

Inverting HeelHook Finish (Stop The Roll) - ZombieProofBJJ (NoGi)