
Danis Zaripov Top 10 KHL Plays

Zaripov scores his 429th career goal

Zaripov scores off Kovar setup, Golubev confronts them both

Zaripov uses the shortest way to the net

Zaripov scores his 1st of the season

Zaripov beats Osipkov by the neutral zone shot

Чахонгир Зарипов - Медони / Jahongir Zaripov - Medoni (2022)

KHL Faces. Danis Zaripov (English)

Zaripov scores his first of the season

Zaripov beats Metsola with huge goal

Виртуозный незасчитанный гол Зарипова

Zaripov staples Regin in the corner

Zaripov steals the puck, dishes to Wickstrand for the goal

Чахонгир Зарипов - Ситораи шабхоям / Jahongir Zaripov - Sitorai Shabhoyam (2024)

Шевц неприветлив с Зариповым / Martin Sevc rocks Danis Zaripov

Zaripov ties the game late in the 3rd

Чахонгир Зарипов - Едат хаст / Jahongir Zaripov - Yodat hast (2023)

Эстетский буллит Зарипова против 'Ак Барса' / Zaripov steals 2 points from Ak Bars

Zaripov masterfully substitute his stick

Чахонгир Зарипов - Чони туям / Jahongir Zaripov - Joni Tuyam (2024)

Zaripov scores after 2 cross-ice passes

Zaripov scores on odd man rush

Zaripov cuts Traktor lead

Zaripov gives Kazan lead