Yet Another Perl Conference (Conference Series)

2016 - Welcome to The Perl Conference‎ / Perl Foundation / SOTV - Dan Wright

John Anderson (‎genehack‎) - ‎Yet Another Keynote Speech‎

Heath Bair (‎Candybar‎) - How to run a Perl Workshop or Conference

Joe Kline (‎gizmo‎) - ‎Perl and Scientific Programming: A panel discussion‎

snaked: pure perl cron replacement (YAPC Europe 2013)

John Anderson (‎genehack) - Welcome

'Using Perl 5 to make a program several hundred times faster' - Laurent Rosenfeld

'Random Numbers in Perl' - Dana Jacobsen

Xavier Noria: Homage to Perl

What To Say When They Tell You Perl Sucks!! (Debunking Perl myths) - Pritesh Ugrankar

YAPC::Asia Tokyo Behind The Scenes, Or How We Organize A Conference For 2000 Attendees

Dan Wright (‎ehdonhon‎) - TPF Year in Review

Origins of The Perl Foundation

“High-Performance IO or 'How to write a SSD to death'‎ “ - Thomas Reifenberger

CZPW2014: Lukas Rampa - YAPC2014 HowTo (CES)

Josh Rabinowitz: 'Did You Mean' spellcheck server in perl, the design and implementation.

'Docker (&-compose) for (Perl) Developers‎' - Marc Egea i Sala

Tim Bunce - ‎Performance Profiling with Devel::NYTProf‎

Curtis Poe (Ovid): Turning points

Perl in the Cloud - Update - Denis Banovic (@bano99)

Perl 6 in context‎ - Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎)

War stories: programming in the field of medieval history by Tara Andrews

Larry Wall (‎TimToady‎) - Perl 6

Meet, host of YAPC::Europe 2016!