The Speed of light 'problem' for YEC || It's actually a problem for the big bang theory

6. Is David Wood YEC or OEC?

Yamaha R6 2017 YEC GYTR

Responding to a question about the Bible & YEC

The Dangers of Evolution Theory. YEC is Vastly Superior in Every Regard. (Science, Medicine, Mental)

The Bible Supports Young Earth Creationism (YEC)

Meet Peter Stuart, Outlier Realty Capital | YEC

The Bible & The Age of the Earth: YEC vs. OEC - Kent Hovind vs. Adam (Curious Christianity)

YEC's Dave Kerpen Talks About How Being an Author Helps Your Business on #StartupLab

Carlo Cisco, SELECT | YEC

Do you have to believe in Noah's Flood, Evolution or YEC to be saved? #jesus #youngearth #bible

YEC's Yael Cohen Talks About Dealing With the Legal Hurdles of Starting a Nonprofit



YEC's Catherine Cook Talks About Starting Up in a Small Town on #StartupLab

Good, BAD, and Ugly ID and YEC arguments

YEC's Nick Friedman Talks About College Hunks Hauling Junk's Competitive Advantage on #StartupLab