SFM / To Be Beautiful | The Bloodthirsty Surgeon | Novocaine – djeb ft. XboxGamerK (Remix / Cover)

FNAF / SFM | Nurse Office - Melanie Martinez (FFS animation)

Open The Door for Ballora (FNAF SFM animation)

FNAF / SFM | Spite Of The Spirits | Whimper - MarvyanakaP (!SLIGHT EPILEPSY WARNING!)

FNAF / SFM | Ways To Be Wicked from Descendants 2 | FNAF SB Ruin animation

SFM| Seekers Of Vengeance | Rezyon / ZombieWarsSMT - Revenge

SFM / FNAF | Twisted all my limbs for you - Melanie Martinez (Ballora animation)

BATIM / SFM | The Fallen Angel | Digital Daggers - The Devil Within

[PREVIEW #4.1] Novocaine - djeb (remix) ft. XboxGamerK (REVAMPED)

SFM| Happy old days |'Can You Survive?' by Rezyon

[SHORT SFM / FNAF] Hopelessly Devoted (Lefty animation)

SFM/FNAF| Two Faced Purity |Bad Apple - Roux (Alma-Gemea Remix)

FNAF / SFM / SHORT | Badass - Bemax (Love Taste Toy Chica Animation)

SFM| Fredbear and Nightmare |music by: DAGames - March onward

SFM| The Terrible Fate | SlyphStorm (MLP/CreepyPasta song) - Pegasus Device

FNAF / SFM | The Infestation Of Spirits | Nightmare by Rezyon (ft. Rachie)

Among Us Animation – Muгdeг! (SFM)  @Boyinaband   @TheRPGMinx   @ChilledChaos

SFM/SHORT | Fun Fun Fun! | Kazoo Kid - Trap Remix (REMAKE)

FNAF / SFM | Bling-Bang-Bang-Born by Creepy Nuts (FNAF SB animation)

SFM / FNAF / SHORT | Love Taste - Moe Shop (FNAF 2 animation ft. Toy Chica) !!!GORE / BLOOD!!!

SFM| The Majestic Crown | [NateWantsToBattle's cover] Emperor's New Clothes by P!ATD

FNaF \ SFM| Soothing Nightmares | Remember Falling - Paradise (Sweet Dreams REMAKE)

SFM/FNAF| The Doomed Destiny Of Spouse | Again - KIRA ft. Rachie (Cover/Remix)

SFM/FNAF| The Ladylike Force | At Sister Location - Chi-Chi