When you choose the evil option in video games

When you choose the evil path in games

Games where the world stops during dialogue.

When enemies in stealth games never turn around

10 Most EVIL CHOICES You Can Make in Video Games

when you start a new game and you meet the character you know is going to betray you

Evil Dialogue Choices be like...

story/gameplay dissonance in video games

Playing the bad guy is hard

When you choose the evil option knowing you'll reload. Baldur's Gate 3

picking RPG clothes based on maxing stats instead of whether they match or not

When you have to choose between the evil and good choice in video games

Hogwarts Legacy - But we only choose BAD Options!

How Girls vs Boys play Hogwarts! #shorts

when you have a REALLY good turn in a card game

10 HARDEST Video Game Choices That Made Us Sweat [Pt 2]

10 Hardest Decisions Video Games FORCED ON YOU

I Made EVERY BAD CHOICE in Hogwarts Legacy So You Don’t Have To…

10 INSANE Evil Endings You Can Unlock in Games


All Evil Choices and Evil Ending - Spider-Man Web of Shadows

How will professors react if you use Avada Kedavra in front of them - Hogwarts Legacy

Why You Should Join HUFFLEPUFF in Hogwarts Legacy ⭐ #shorts

inFAMOUS 2 - Evil Karma Cole Ending

You will be sent to Azkaban if you use Avada Kedavra on students - Hogwarts Legacy