What if we could use highlight intros as hero select animations

What if we could use highlight intros as hero select animations?

Mythic Skins with Unique Gameplay Animations | Overwatch 2 [Fan-made]

What are you doing step echo Overwatch 2 #shorts

Overwatch 2 - All Hero Select Animations

Secret Highlight Intro interaction - Wrecking Ball Overwatch

All Overwatch 1 Hero Select Animations

This NEW D.Va Highlight intro will BLOW your mind!

Overwatch characters ages😀 #overwatch #overwatch2 #overwatchfunny #overwatchleague #overwatchgame

Overwatch 2 - All New Highlight Intros (Season 6)

I Fixed Ashe's New Highlight Intro

Dva caught lackin

Overwatch 2 - All New Highlight Intros (Season 2)


Overwatch 2 - All New Highlight Intros (Season 4)

Overwatch 2 - All Highlight Intros (4k)

Kiriko Tries Some NEW Highlight Intros! #shorts

When You're Selecting a Kong in Donkey Kong 64

Overwatch 2 - All New Highlight Intros (Season 3)

This Hero Select Rework is INSANE! - Overwatch 2

Fan made Overwatch Highlight Intros | Part 2

Junkrat Highlight Intros Green Screen [Dr. Junkenstein]

New Highlight Intros and emotes in #Overwatch2 Season 5

Overwatch 1 VS Overwatch 2 - Hero Select Comparison

Fan made Overwatch Highlight Intros | Part 1