Vlad Vicol: Formation and development of singularities for the compressible Euler equations

Wild Weak Solutions to Equations arising in Hydrodynamics - 2/6 - Vlad Vicol

Wild Weak Solutions to Equations arising in Hydrodynamics - 1/6 - Vlad Vicol

​Vlad Vicol: Intermittent weak solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations

Vlad VICOL - On global regularity for the 2D Muskat equations with finite slope

Vlad Vicol: An Intermittent Onsager Theorem

Seminar In the Analysis and Methods of PDE (SIAM PDE): Vlad Vicol

An Intermittent Onsager Theorem - Vlad Vicol

Vlad Vicol: An Intermittent Onsager Theorem II

Vlad Vicol: An Intermittent Onsager Theorem III

Vlad Vicol: An Intermittent Onsager Theorem V

Wild Weak Solutions to Equations arising in Hydrodynamics - 3/6 - Vlad Vicol

Vlad Vicol: An Intermittent Onsager Theorem IV

Vlad Vicol a venit să-şi prezinte conceptul culinar 'Bun Burger' la Chefi la cuţite!


Miron Vlad Flaviu vs Vicol Dumitru

Cantir Vlad vs Vicol Dumitru

Scott Armstrong: Anomalous diffusion for passive scalar equations by fractal homogenization

La skiuri

1 decembrie 2017

The works of Buckmaster, Isett, and Vicol in incompressible fluid dynamics- Camillo De Lellis

VAPS20:'Stable shock wave formation for the compressible Euler equations'

Camillo DeLellis, The works of Buckmaster, Isett and Vicol in incompressible fluid dynamics

My Rants #2: Vlad Sobolev