
Watch CNBC's full interview with the EU's Margrethe Vestager

Vestager on Microsoft-Activision deal: 'We had a concern about cloud gaming'

EU's Vestager on Regulating Big Tech and Digital Citizen Rights

Margrethe Vestager on taxes: 'For me a tax haven is where everyone pays their taxes'

Margrethe Vestager, European Commission executive vp, on her efforts to curtail power of big tech

In Conversation with Margrethe Vestager, Candidate for the EIB Presidency

LIVE Hearings: Margrethe Vestager Executive VP - Competition #EPHearings2019

Fairness in Tech - Keynote by Margrethe Vestager

Margrethe Vestager on Digital Technologies | SXSW

Margrethe Vestager: Competition

Margrethe Vestager, EU Commissioner for Competition: policy from a Euro perspective | LIVE STREAM

EU has 'a lot of ambition' for cooperation with the U.S., Vestager says

Interview with Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Eur...

Unlocking billions: Vestager's plan for Europe's top lender | DW Business

EU's Vestager: Need to Own Wins, Losses on Big Tech Cases

#vdLcommission: Presentation message by Margrethe Vestager

European Commission Executive VP Margrethe Vestager: Transatlantic relations in the digital age

EU Presidential Debate: lead candidate Margrethe Vestager (ALDE)

Opening interview with Margrethe Vestager | POLITICO AI & Tech Summit

Margrethe Vestager - Commissioner for Competition in the EU | Norges Bank Investment Management

Vestager: EU can't become self-suffcient on chips

The new age of corporate monopolies | Margrethe Vestager

re:publica 2019 – Margrethe Vestager: Fairness and Competitiveness in a Digitised World

European Commission EVP Margrethe Vestager: 'We have no interest in decoupling' from China.