Harlem Shake VSMU group 50

this is vsmu|belarus #vsmu#medicalcollege#belarus

VŠMU Strih - Videovizitka - Nevyplatí sa vstávať lavou nohou!

🏥 VSMU #vsmu #vitebsk #morning #vibes #shorts

VŠMU - We love changing characters - OOH

Dhanuish Ravindran | Royal Institute with AAA joins VSMU Belarus 🇧🇾 to study Medicine

Take me to VSMU - Vitebsk State Medical University

Petra Dubayova - talentové skúšky na VŠMU | Teleráno

Brintha from Hindu College Jaffna shared his experience of studying Medicine at VSMU Belarus.

VSMU Freshers Night 2019 - Official Teaser

VSMU - To musíte prežiť (40s)

Graduation ceremony of the batch of 2024, Vitebsk State Medical University.

Upútavka VŠMU

Memories from batch 45 at VSMU Belarus 🇧🇾 created Nethmi Tharaka

Students experience studying at the VSMU/GRSMU/GSMU

Saveesha Karunarathna| Gateway Colombo on her first year Med school experience at VSMU Belarus

vsmu chill

VŠMU - Električky

spring in vsmu

všmu vs cigarety

Unboxing 22: Ochutnajte ovocie práce študentov VŠMU