The military department of UzhNU is one of the highlights of the high school

UzhNU Library is a space of new generation and innovations

Study Medicine @ UZHNU UKRAINE

uzzhorod national univesity ( uzhnu )

ERASMUS Europe is Getting closer to UzhNU students

Stomatology faculty UZHNU

Valentyn Kachmar music&Faculty of foreign philology UzhNU

Uzhhorod National Medical University, Ukraine, Europe || Our University ❤️ #UZHNU

Indian Student Swastik at UZHNU

Europe & UzhNU cooperation, international student programs, grants & scholarships

Grads 2018 Uzhhorod National University (Uzhnu)

Indian Restaurant at UZHNU

Miss Medical Faculty 2018, Uzhhorod National University , Ukraine , 2017-2018, Uzhnu, Excel Ishan

(Uzghorod national university) Uzhnu Navratri celebration

Uzhnu's student shares his wonderful experience at the University

Spring Fest 2024|BD Vlog23(2)|@UzhhNU | #contentcreator #uzhhorod #university #ukraine #UZHNU #yt

uzhnu audio

MISS UzhNU 2014 promo

Promo Grads 2018 Uzhnu

Uzhnu miss med fec 2019

Uzhhorod National University UzhNU | Uzhhorod | Study in Ukraine | MBBS

Faculty of tourism Uzhnu promo

Myroslava Lendel UzhNU