UNHCR Chief Praises Kenya's Plans to Empower Refugees

UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner Kelly Clements meets refugees in Moldova

UNHCR and WFP: Food Ration Cuts Threaten Refugees in Africa

UNHCR High Commissioner Filippo Grandi visits Lesvos

This Ramadan #EveryGiftCounts to help people: https://donate.unhcr.org/int/en/ramadan-2022

UNHCR report: record number of forcibly displaced people | DW News

That time Toto And Susie hang out with UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Maya Ghazal #f1

Former Federal Chancellor of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel receives 2022 UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award.

Thank you from Suzanne Ehlers | USA for UNHCR

Switzerland: UNHCR Finding Pathways for Syrian Refugees

Bericht des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR: Mehr Menschen denn je auf der Flucht

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Cate Blanchett just got back from a trip meeting Syrian refugees in Jordan

Your Will can be their refuge: Australia for UNHCR

How UNHCR is supporting Ukrainian refugees and challenges it faces

Microsoft Philanthropies & UNHCR: Delivering future-ready digital skills in Kakuma refugee camp

Inclusion and Diversity in UNHCR

UNHCR funding appeal to support Burundian refugees

Here is how UNHCR is helping refugees fleeing Sudan into South Sudan

Rokia Traoré performs at UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award ceremony

UNHCR Jordan - Remote Resettlement

Libya: UNHCR helps reopen health centre during lockdown in Libya

UNHCR’s Gillian Triggs warns COVID-19 severely testing refugee protection

UNHCR Niger: Mobile Money gives Malian refugees dignity and freedom of choice

UNHCR's Representative in Yemen highlights impact of funding shortfall