Thrush Hermit

North Dakota

Thrush Hermit vs Super Friendz (Much East, May 1997)

The Day We Hit The Coast

Sloan & Thrush Hermit on Street Cents

Thrush Hermit / Much East (Sept 1997)

Darling Don't Worry

Thrush Hermit Final Show, Halifax (Dec 11, 1999)

At My Expense

Violent Dreams

Without You

THRUSH HERMIT The Great Pacific Ocean [Full EP]

Thrush Hermit / The Flashing Lights on Much East (1999)

The UNWORLDLY Song of the Hermit Thrush

From The Back Of The Film by Thrush Hermit

Heart Wrenching Man

Thrush Hermit - Headin' South / Violent Dreams - Live 1999

Hermit Thrush Singing


Skip the Life

Hated It


Thrush Hermit / MuchEast (1999)

We Are Being Reduced

Headin' South