
ShadeMe - Swanbom - Spring 2019

Excalibur Kill Switch, Swanbom, Spring 2024

Study Room Finder-ENGR122-001,Dr. Swanbom, Spring 2020

Superior Switch - Swanbom - Spring 2024

Safety Cross Walk - Dr. Swanbom - Spring2018

Childrescape - Swanbom - Spring 2015

GardenBot - Swanbom - Spring 2015

Automatic Lizard Enclosure - Swanbom - Spring 2023

Prototype 2 of Flex Tech (HNRS 122-H05 Swanbom)

Oculus - Swanbom - Spring 2017

Chew Shoo - Swanbom - Spring 2020

Garden Monitor - Swanbom - Spring 2020

The Pringlevator - Swanbom - Spring 2019

Alarm Pill Box - Swanbom - Spring 2019: My Engineering Design Project

Hand Carwash- Swanbom- Spring 2020

T7& Auto-Toilet Paper - Swanbom - Spring 2015

Swanbom ENGR 122-H04 Video

Vroomba-Swanbom-Spring 2018

Safe Turn- Swanbom- Spring 2022

The Gate Keeper-ENGR 122 Dr. Swanbom, Spring 2020

Social Distancing Vest - Swanbom - Spring 2020

Pet-Feeder 9000 - Dr. Swanbom - Spring 2020

Dire Fighter - Swanbom - Spring 2017

Hands-Free Light Switch - Swanbom - Spring 2020