About SLAC

Fermilab ships first LCLS-II cryomodule to SLAC

Inside a two-mile long particle accelerator

How did SLAC ship the largest digital camera to Chile?

World's largest digital camera now complete at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Bay Area

SLAC (the laboratory formerly known as the Stanford Linear Accelerator)


Mapping the universe: 3.2 GigaPixel camera for a 10-year timelapse of the universe!

Photonics Hot List: October 4, 2024

Overview of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Chi-Chang Kao | Energy@Stanford & SLAC 2020

SLAC Hexad Conversion System

LCLS: The Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC

Classroom Aid - Particle Accelerators - SLAC

SLAC's early history: A 'monster' of an idea changed how we see the universe

Inside SLAC – the longest linear particle accelerator in 360 degrees

What is Dark Energy?

PLUS8132 – F.U.S.E. - Slac (Official Audio)

What is Energy@Stanford & SLAC?

SLAC Virtual Public Tours

SLAC Easy Open End System

SLAC By Drone

SLAC Meaning

Cryostat Attached to Camera Body at SLAC

What is Dark Matter?