SHARCNet New User Seminar for Legacy Systems

New User Seminar

How to get started with OpenFOAM at SHARCNET

Job submission basics

Debugging and Optimization of PyTorch Models

Fundamentals of working at the command line at SHARCNET

Parallel Programming: MPI I/O Basics

Deep Learning on SHARCNET: From CPU to GPU cluster

Introduction to Apache Spark on SHARCNET

Introduction to SHARCNET Cloud

New User Seminar

Deep Learning on SHARCNET: Best Practices

Introduction to LINUX/SHELL programming in SHARCNET

Which GPU should I use?

SHARCNet File Management

Get the most out of SharcNET

Quick tips for getting the most out of SHARCNET

Gaming the scheduler at SHARCNet

SHARCNET disk erasure technique

Visualizing job properties for wait time assessment


Deep Learning at SHARCNET: Tools you can use

Machine Learning with Spark at SHARCNET

Introduction to Compute Canada (a faculty edition)