Special item, by a female trio—Daphne Nunes, Cynthia & Paloma Duarte

Nearer My God to Thee by Daphne, Paloma, and Cynthia

The SDA Reform Movement in the Philippines

Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) - Girls' Choir

Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement (SDARM) vs the SDA Church

Sabbath Special Musical Items


This Little Light of Mine - Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement

The Highest Aim - Group Bible Study

An Introduction to the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement (SDARM)

Mind Game

SDARM Conference_2

LA Youth Convention SDARM

Jehová está en su Santo Templo - SDARM

The Higher Education by Peter Lausevic

2019 Music Retreat Highlights

Denver Canvassing Project 6k BMPCC SDARM

The Cause of Christ, Youth Retreat Choir

Hallelujah Chorus Handel Messiah Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement

I Hear the Savior Say SDARM IASDMR

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus Hymn SDARM

Photo Story of SDARM Toronto Church

Special music by Juliet Melnychuk and Emma Tudoroiu

Blessed Assurance Hymn SDARM ASDMR