Quick demonstration of the capabilities of the FlexRAN SD-RAN platform

SD-RAN: Bringing Programmatic Controllability to RAN using O-RAN Architecture

SD-RAN Berlin Outdoor Trial Demonstration

SD-RAN Techinar 2021

Rimedo Labs QoS-based Resource Allocator xApp on ONF's SD-RAN (DEMO)

Rimedo Labs Traffic Steering xApp on ONF's SD-RAN (DEMO)

SD-RAN v1.1 Techinar

Hands-on guide to 5G SD-RAN security with KubeArmor

CITRON Emulator - Guilty Gear -Strive- | SD 8+ Gen 1 | LENOVO LEGION Y700 (2023) |

IS-Wireless demo: RAN Controller for Managing the SD-RAN Networks

SD-RAN v1.5 Techinar

ONF SD-RAN Overview

ONF SD-RAN Project Announcement 2020/08/25

5G End to End Deployment Using SD-Core

2020 Next-Gen Edge: SD-RAN at the Edge

Airhop, Facebook and ONF Demonstrate First O-RAN Aligned Multi-Vendor xApp-Powered Open RAN Solution

ONF SD-RAN: Open Source RIC, xApps & Integration with Radisys DU/CU - Prakash Siva, Radisys

Open RAN (O-RAN) Traffic Steering xApp Implementation and Live Demo

2021 Next-Gen Telco Infrastructure: O-RAN opens doors for new telco xApps

SDRAN ONOS A1T - Policy Concurrency Issue

USENIX Security '24 - ORANalyst: Systematic Testing Framework for Open RAN Implementations

RIMEDO Labs Traffic Steering xApp DEMO

POWDER Automated O-RAN Testing Demo

ihhhh gemes banget liatnyaaa ๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š#bocil #pacaran