
New York To Pass Climate Plan

Patricia Espinosa discusses the fight against climate change at the UN General Assembly

Global Youth Climate Strikes: Demand Action Now

EIB's Press Conference at COP25

C40 Talks || Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Executive Secretary

Patricia Espinosa au Dialogue de Petersberg pour le Climat

Climate Change Action Plan 2019

Patricia Espinosa | Covid-19: Impact on Climate Policy

Global Deeds - Action for Climate Empowerment - Side Event at COP25 Madrid

Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) - How to Engage with UNFCCC

UNFCCC press briefing midway through COP 19/CMP 9

Protect the Planet - Time for Action

Ms. Esmeralda Wirtz, Belgian UN Youth Delegate for climate

Pre-Briefing 20. VN-Klimakonferenz - H.E. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Botschafterin Mexiko

Global Youth at COP21 - Developing Countries

COP25 Press Conference with Carolina Schmidt, Patricia Espinosa and Lorena Aguilar

New global peatland research initiative: GLF Bonn 2018 press conference

COP21 Daily News: The Power of the Peaceful Movement

Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator

Sólo acción integral reduce contaminación y cambio climático: Patricia Espinosa

Resumen de la Cumbre del Clima - #COP25

Virtual Lead Author Meeting for Working Group III

Implementing ACE - UN Climate Dialogues 2020