
RubyKaigi 2023 - Meet the Organizer, Akira Matsuda

[EN] Variable Width Allocation: Optimizing Ruby's Memory Layout / @peterzhu2118 and @eightbitraptor

[EN] Write a Ruby interpreter in Ruby for Ruby 3 / Koichi Sasada @ko1

Fast Metaprogramming with Truffle - RubyKaigi 2015

Refinements - the Worst Feature You Ever Loved - RubyKaigi 2015

RubyKaigi 2023 - Interviewed Kokubun Just-In-Time

[EN][JA] Lightning Talks

[EN][Keynote] The Future Shape of Ruby Objects / Chris Seaton @chrisseaton

RubyKaigi 2016

Ruby and PostgreSQL, a love story - RubyKaigi 2015

Extreme Makeover: Rubygems Edition - RubyKaigi 2014

[JA] How resolve Gem dependencies in your code? / Hiroshi SHIBATA @hsbt

Building CLI Apps for Everyone - RubyKaigi 2015

Write ruby code to change ruby code - RubyKaigi 2014

The role of ruby in the single page app. - RubyKaigi 2014

DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Testing - RubyKaigi 2015

[EN] Graphical Terminal User Interface of Ruby 3.1 / ITOYANAGI Sakura @aycabta

[EN] Regular Expressions: Amazing and Dangerous / Martin J. Dürst @duerst

<%= link_to 'bundle', 'update' %> - Make 'bundle update' more fun to review - RubyKaigi 2014

Ruby3 challenges - RubyKaigi 2015 Keynote

[EN] RubyKaigi 2017 Closing