
Apostolic Worship at RAC

What’s coming out of your belly?

Sunday service highlights #Restoration Apostolic Church in Zion

'Wait On The Lord' RAC choir

Keep the faith while under pressure.

'God' Eddie James sign. RAC

'Awesome God' RAC Choir

Your troubles are in trouble.

This is a set back and setup for a comeback.

You shall live and not die.

Sunday Service

What are you, well able or not able.

Wednesday service at RAC !

'No Sweeter Name' Potter's House of Restoration Apostolic Church

Let’s be one.

Don't panic! It's just a test.

I know it’s bad but there’s hope.

Restoration Apostolic Church / Sept. 05, 2021

I know it’s bad but there’s hope.

Sunday Service

Get rid of the things that killed Jesus.

'Glory To The Lamb' RAC Choir

The blessing is in obedience.

Convocation Night 1: 'Delayed but not denied' Elder Joshua Vann