CO2 Light Refrigeration Unit for Small Shops | REFRA

Refra introduces new generation AR refrigeration container

Sneak peek of products for Chillventa 2022! | REFRA

REFRA CO2 Mini Booster refrigeration rack for supermarkets #gonatrefs

Refra offers #naturalrefrigerants supermarket solution for Middle East #chillventa2024 #gonatrefs

Sneak peek of Refra products for Chillventa 2024

Natural refrigerants are the future of cooling | REFRA

Refra High Temperature Heatpump with hydrocarbon blend R436a #chillventa2024 #gonatrefs

Refra opens new factory in Vievis

Refra Air Heat Exchangers


Refra CO2 7-meter long container

Refra High temperature heatpump with Propane / Isobutane blend R436A #chillventa2024 #gonatrefs

Unique dry coolers by Refra

REFRA Press aufbau 2022

Refra’s #co2 and propylene cascade system for warmer regions like the Middle East #gonatrefs


What is REFRA-Academy®?

REFRA-Training at Refratechnik Ceramics | Burolit G

REFRA-Training at Refratechnik Ceramics | Plastic Foil

Alimenta Meu Sonho

Teu Beijo

Refra Academy | Smarter - Together (Installation)

REFRA-Training at Refratechnik Ceramics | Viaducts and Setting