Peter Ames Carlin

#PouredOver: Peter Ames Carlin on The Name of This Band Is REM

Portland author Peter Carlin talks new biography of R.E.M.

New book tells the story of the last great American rock band of the millennium - New Day NW

Peter Ames Carlin - Interview (Bing Lounge)

Interview with Bruce Springsteen Biographer Peter Ames Carlin

Bruce Springsteen Tribute with Peter Ames Carlin

Brian Wilson, Paul Simon & Springsteen featuring Peter Ames Carlin

Peter Ames Carlin, in conversation with Robert Lloyd, discusses Sonic Boom

Peter Ames Carlin with Warren Zanes: Warner Brothers Records & The Past/Future of the Music Business

THE NAME OF THIS BAND IS R.E.M. by Peter Ames Carlin | Audiobook Excerpt

Peter Ames Carlin introduces Homeward Bound: The Life of Paul Simon @ University Book Store

OBERLIN STAGE LEFT: Biographer Peter Carlin Talks Brian Wilson and More

Peter Ames Carlin at Mississippi Studios Part 1 of 2

Peter Ames Carlin – The name of this band is REM: A Biography…with TRE's Anna Glowinski

Reading And Writing Podcast - Peter Ames Carlin interview – Episode 89

Peter Ames Carlin on his book Sonic Boom, Warner Bros Records | The Radical with Nick Terzo #31

Peter Ames Carlin part 2

Peter Ames Carlin on Live Wire Radio (#198)

Peter Ames Carlin Interview, Paul McCartney: A Life

Buchtrailer: Interview mit dem Autor Peter Ames Carlin zu 'Bruce'

Turning Point with Frank Mackay (Radio) - Peter Ames Carlin

The Name of This Band Is R.E.M.: A Biography by Peter Ames Carlin · Audiobook preview

Homeward Bound: The Life of Paul Simon by Peter Ames Carlin · Audiobook preview

Holt-Peter Ames Carlin: America