
Perot Talks Dirty Tricks - SNL

Watch Ross Perot's most memorable moments

Ross Perot Cold Opening: Fighting the Deficit - Saturday Night Live

Jim Lehrer remembers 'authentic' underdog Ross Perot

Bush, Clinton, Perot: The first 1992 presidential debate

Did you know Ross Perot helped rescue hostages in Iran?

Ross Perot Remembered As Visionary, Philanthropist, Family Man

Ross Perot: Texas titan

Cold Opening: Ross Perot on Larry King Live - Saturday Night Live

Perot Museum to reexamine safety procedures after employee suicide

The Sprague Award 2024: Honoring Sarah and Ross Perot, Jr.

Weather 101: Perot Museum Showing Off Its Gems

The 90's Election That Could Have Changed Everything (And If It Happened)

Ross Perot, former presidential candidate, dies at age 89

Ross Perot battles Al Gore in 1993 NAFTA debate

How Ross Perot Ushered In A New Era Of Politics | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Perot Museum - Thursdays on Tap

Ross Perot Jr.'s Advice for Young Professionals | Legends of CRE | TRECcast

Nature, science & history: The Perot Museum has it all!

Remembering Ross Perot, billionaire former presidential candidate

Spring breakers visit the Perot Museum

Team Coverage: The Life And Legacy Of Ross Perot

1992 United States presidential debate | Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ross Perot

Arthur Blank: Ross Perot’s $90 billion mistake